How this works


Learn Data Structures and Algorithms - preferably a class, but online courses are fine too

Do the Grokking Course Do the Grokking DP Course Skip Challenge Problems in both;

don't exhaustively complete a section, just do enough to understand the pattern.

SUGGESTED PRACTICE/STUDY PLAN (blue -> yellow -> green -> orange)

(1st pass) From top to bottom, do Blind 75

(2nd pass) do LC Top Interview questions

(3rd pass) do LC Patterns questions

(4th pass) do NeetCode questions

(5th pass) do all others such that you complete all problems on spreadsheet

(5th+ pass) Revisit all problems top to bottom

(ad infinitum) SUPPLEMENTAL TOPICS FOR TECH INTERVIEWS Object Oriented Design

(OOD) System Design Concurrency and other OS concepts Database design Computer networks